HomeLink Italy – Meetings

For homelinkers and visitors

    VI International and XII National Homelink Meeting – Valeggio sul Mincio (VR) – 7 June 2015

    As every year, we invite you to the HomeLink meeting that has become a wonderful tradition and opportunity to meet. We have done everything possible to contain prices. We only ask you to be faithful to the reservations.

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    ADULTS: € 45,00

    Menu ‘Villa’

    Tortellini with butter and sage
    Cappellacci ricotta and herbs with soft cheese and seasoned with thyme oil Garda Trentino eastern dop
    Risotto with asparagus and Asiago dop

    Roast beef with celery sauce and parmesan cheese

    Cut lemon with strawberry coulis

    Sbrisolona and cookies with spices

    Custoza sup Walnuts
    Allegrini Valpolicella classico
    Moscato d’Asti

    CHILDREN: (10 years old or younger) € 25,00

    Menu ‘Baby’

    Wiener Schnitzel with potato Ketchup
    Risotto with asparagus and Asiago dop

    Vanilla ice cream and chocolate

    mineral water

    Borghetto/Valeggio sul Mincio

    How to reach:

    By Car:
    A4 Milano/Venezia, Peschiera del Garda exit, 10 km
    A22 Modena/Brennero, Nogarole Rocca exit, 16 km

    By Train: www.trenitalia.com
    Train station Peschiera del Garda + BUS APAM
    (tel. 0376 / 2301 – www.apam.it)
    Train station Verona PortaNuova + BUS APT-VR
    (tel. 045 / 805.79.22 – www.aptv.it)

    AIRPORT: “Valerio Catullo” Villafranca di Verona, 15 km

    V International and XI National Homelink Meeting- Jesolo (VE) – 8 June 2014

    Il meeting è terminato!

    Ringraziamo tutti i partecipanti e vi aspettiamo il prossimo anno!

    Prossimamente pubblicheremo tutte le informazioni necessarie!

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